Mission & Vision

The mission of the Scituate Garden Club is to learn and share all aspects of gardening, horticulture, floral design, and conservation with our members and community. Our reach includes public meetings and events, and community projects that encompass education, conservation and beautification.
Our vision is to help our community go greener by promoting knowledge of native plants pollinators, conservation and practicing organic gardening.
Our History

On June 30, 1916, in response to a cordial invitation, about thirty summer and local residents of Scituate and the surrounding area met at Greenfield Cottage, the home of the Misses Lewis of Scituate , with the intention of organizing the Scituate Garden Club. The first officers elected were Miss Annie Shufeldt as President, Mrs. Roger Dix as Vice President, and Mrs. Etta Seaver as both Secretary and Treasurer. The objective of this club was “The Advancement of
Gardening”, and the annual dues were fifty cents.
In 1927, the Scituate Garden Club, along with 29 other Massachusetts Garden Clubs, was invited to meet in Boston’s Horticultural Hall for the purpose of creating a statewide federation which included developing a constitution and by-laws. The Scituate Garden Club was a charter member of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts (GCFM) whose first meeting was held on October 27, 1927. In 2019, GCFM was divided into nine districts geographically with a total of 173 Garden Clubs participating. The Federation is a nonprofit 501 C (3) organization and all member Garden Clubs operate under their umbrella and must comply with all Federal and State regulations.

The Fruit and Flower Mission of Boston, part of a national social welfare organization, is first mentioned in the Club records in 1929, when the Scituate Garden Club donated $10. In 1930 members of the Scituate Garden Club and the Marshfield Women’s Club filled containers with fruit and flowers every third Wednesday for distribution to those in need. These were sent, via train, from Scituate into Boston. This civic project continued throughout the Depression and on until 1959, when the closing of the Old Colony Railroad rendered transporting all of these packages unwieldly. The Scituate Garden Club supported several relief organizations during the Second World War through donations of goods needed by servicemen, and providing services such as rolling bandages for the Red Cross.
The Club remained a summer club until 1962 when it was voted to amend the By-Laws and meet at least ten months of the year. As part of our Charter we are limited to sixty active members. At this time various committees were formed to conform with Federation guidelines. In 1963, the Garden Club held the first “Cranberry Festival” on the grounds of a member's farm. For over twenty years, until the farm was sold, this biennial event attracted visitors from all over the South Shore. We sold dried and fresh floral arrangements, crafts, garden produce, delicious foods, healthy plants, and hosted a delightful poolside luncheon. This was our sole fundraiser during those years. This has been replaced by our annual Plant Sale which held every May on the grounds of the historic Mann Farmhouse, adjacent to our Wildflower Garden, on Greenfield Lane.
Floral design has been one of the most popular activities within Garden Club. Many of our members have won countless awards competing in local, regional and national flower shows as well as in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts “Art in Bloom” event held every April. Members have achieved accreditation by attending the Federation’s Landscape Design, Environmental Studies, Flower Show and Gardening Schools. Some have studied further and received national accreditation as Flower Show Judges.
In the 21st century, the Scituate Garden Club will continue its objective of promoting “The Advancement of Gardening”. Our 100 plus year commitment to our town is demonstrated by our extensive support of various Scituate civic projects as well as through education supporting the appreciation of Horticulture, Landscape, Floral Design, Conservation and Environmental Concerns.
Club Projects
Boston Flower Show
Members serve on various Flower Show committees as both judges and exhibitors.
Conservation is a key component of our core mission. Our monthly meetings include the discussion of issues related to our local and global environment. Current conservation-relation activities include: a campaign to eradicate the invasive garlic mustard; an ongoing campaign to encourage the planting of native pollinator plants, the collection of pop-tops for the Garden Club Federation's support of Shriner's Hospital, and walking tours of the various South Shore conservation trails.
Cudworth House
In 1963, club members created a true-to-the-period 18th century herb and flower garden at the Town’s historic Cudworth House. Since then, members have continually maintained these gardens on a weekly basis from late April through September.
The Club offers several popular educational programs for people at all ages and stages of life:
A classroom presentation on wildflowers followed by a tour of the Mann Farmhouse Wildflower Garden is offered to all Scituate third graders every spring.
The Club supports the various gardening programs held at many of the Scituate schools by assisting with the cost of supplies and in volunteering with planting.
Floral arrangement workshops are held during the school year for the Scituate High School students in the iExcel program.
Each April, the Club hosts a public evening meeting with a speaker presenting a program on current horticultural and/or environmental issues.
Floral Arrangements
Floral designs are provided for "Art in Bloom" at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Members also do arrangements for Scituate Historic Homes open to the public.
Garden Therapy for Seniors
Floral design workshops are held four times a year at the Scituate Senior center for our senior citizens.
Contact Scituate Senior Center or click here for more info.
Junior Gardeners.
This popular program, offered to Scituate's 4th and 5th grade students, is designed to teach design and gardening skills, while encouraging conservation, recycling, and environmental awareness. Students explore natural, seasonal themes at four workshops: For upcoming dates and locations, contact Chris Harris cmcharris@comcast.net.
The Club plants and maintains the planters at the library entrance. A framed, wildflower floral needlepoint tapestry, designed and created by members, was presented to the library in 2006 and is displayed on the lower level.
Plant Sale
The annual Plant Sale, held on the Saturday before Memorial Day weekend, is the Club's annual fundraiser which supports all of our civic programs. Members divide and propagate native plants at the Wildflower Garden, dig and donate plants from their gardens and grow annuals from seed. More about the Plant Sale.
Post Office Boxes
Members plant and maintain window boxes and/or planters for each season at the Scituate, North Scituate and Greenbush Post offices.
Roadside Bulb Planting
As an ongoing project, members and town residents have ordered over 15,500 daffodil bulbs to
brighten the roadsides and gardens of Scituate.
Scituate Historical Society
Along with developing and maintaining the wildflower garden at the Mann Farmhouse and the Cudworth House kitchen/herb garden, members provide period floral arrangements for the Society’s open houses and special events at the various sites.
Speakers Bureau
Club members are available to share their expertise on a variety on gardening topics including native and pollinator-friendly gardening, floral design principles, Scituate and area conservation trails and other topics on request.
Wildflower Garden
The Wildflower Garden, located at the Historic Mann Farmhouse, is an ongoing project of the Club. Dedicated in June of 1986 after years of research, design and countless hours of digging, the Wildflower Garden showcases hundreds of wild and primarily native plants, a magnificent Catalpa tree, as well as a vernal pond. Club members maintain the garden throughout the year. The tranquil and eco-friendly setting attracts birds, insects and all manner of local wildlife and has delighted visitors of all ages since its inception. The garden is open to the public year round.
More about the Wildflower Garden.